Social Media Toolkit

I COVID Quit Toolkit

Thank you for your interest in promoting the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line!

You can access a social media toolkit to promote the Quit Line. Specifically, the toolkit features the campaign “I COVID Quit,” complete with videos and photo testimonials to promote 800-QUIT-NOW:

To copy a link to the video below, right click on it:

Social Media Post to Promote the Quit Line:

  1. Download the image above. Right click on it and select save.
  2. Link to the story by copying the web address below and pasting it into your social media with the image above:
  3. Copy and paste this text:
    For Jackie, Quitting #Smoking is the Cat’s Meow #quitsmoking #quitvaping #smoking #vaping
  4. Thank you for promoting the Quit Line for public health. 🙂



Follow the Quit Line and the UW-Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention on Twitter @UWCTRI. Check out our latest tweets:

Also check out CDC Tobacco Free on Facebook