Thank you for your interest in promoting the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line!
You can access a social media toolkit to promote the Quit Line. Specifically, the toolkit features the campaign “I COVID Quit,” complete with videos and photo testimonials to promote 800-QUIT-NOW:
To copy a link to the video below, right click on it:
Social Media Post to Promote the Quit Line:
- Download the image above. Right click on it and select save.
- Link to the story by copying the web address below and pasting it into your social media with the image above: - Copy and paste this text:
For Jackie, Quitting #Smoking is the Cat’s Meow #quitsmoking #quitvaping #smoking #vaping - Thank you for promoting the Quit Line for public health. 🙂
Follow the Quit Line and the UW-Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention on Twitter @UWCTRI. Check out our latest tweets:
Also check out CDC Tobacco Free on Facebook