Live Vape Free – Clinician & Advocate Information

A Free Service to Help Your Patients Quit Vaping

Teens can text VAPEFREE to 873373Teens who want to quit vaping can get free help through the Live Vape Free program by texting “VAPEFREE” to 873373. When your patients text Live Vape Free, they’ll get text support to help them leave e-cigarettes behind for good.

Fact Sheets

By taking part in Live Vape Free, you’ll get:

1 on 1 coachingOne-on-one support from a trained coach who can provide quit tips.

Road mapA roadmap for your quit journey – like your motivations and next steps.

Interactive optionsInteractive content like quizzes, games, videos, podcasts and more.

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Text “VAPEFREE” to 873373 today to get started.

Information for Your Patients' Parents

Parents can help their teens via Live Vape Free

In addition to the teen texting line, Live Vape Free also has free resources for parents, guardians, teachers, or anyone who wants to help a young person in their life quit e-cigarettes. If you’re ready to help them quit, click here to enroll in a free online course that provides tools you can use to help a young person in quitting.

Through Live Vape Free, you’ll:

  • Learn to spot the warning signs of teen vaping.
  • Get tips and practical advice for talking with your teen.
  • Receive one-on-one support from trained coaches.
  • Access a downloadable toolkit of resources to use at your own pace.

The teen in your life can start by going here, or by texting “VAPEFREE” to 873373 to get free help.